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PRESIDENT – Ben McCauley

VICE PRESIDENT – Simon Coutanche

SECRETARY – Cathy Manderson

TREASURER – Kelly McDermott


Alan Butler
Brett Campbell
Sharon Darby
Nigel Starick

The Bendigo Basketball is governed by the Board of the Bendigo Basketball Association (BBA) who in a unique arrangement with Red Energy Arena staff, manage or administer the operations of the Domestic Competition, Bendigo Braves and Junior Braves.

The Board of the Bendigo Association and the sub-committees of the Junior Braves, Braves and Domestic Competition Committees are all in volunteer roles and put a massive amount of time into the BBA. Together with the staff of Red Energy Arena who are always willing to also put in large amount of volunteer time they together make every effort to run an association that has a history of winning many awards.

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